Don’t Hire the First Person Who Comes Along.
As a business owner you handle many roles and responsibilities. Possibly the most frustrating part of your job is to find the right employees you can trust and those who will help take your company where you want to go.
Finding the best hire is not an easy task, and you know how easy it is to take the next person who comes along. Within 9 days or 90 days, you realize you have the wrong person, but you have already made the investment and you simply live with your decision until you are forced to let them go, or they finally leave on their own.
Hire the Right Person for the Job.
It may not be your skill-set, but you can work with Michael Duke and let him do what he does best, so you can focus on what you do best. When you put Michael on your team, you are putting the future of your business in his capable hands. His expertise lies in:
Assessing | Writing | Interviewing | Recommending |
Michael’s job is to assess both your organizational culture, and assess the job you want filled. This will save time and money in helping qualify potential candidates. He will create, and manage the process of posting employee/hiring notices & ads, write the ads, and screen the responses. After the screening process, he will select those candidates for consideration, and carefully interview them for you, and ultimately bring only the best candidates for you to choose from. He will work side-by-side, and recommend only those who are capable, competent, and qualified to help your company grow.
Work with Michael Duke, and Get Your Team,
With 20 years experience, Michael has a 75% success rate for all positions contracted for. Since 2002, 83% passed the 6 month mark of employment, which is unheard of, in the recruitment and placement profession. Fees are broken down into three, easy payments, and the final payment is paid when the person celebrates his or her 6 month anniversary with your firm. Whether you need a leader, a manager, or a sales professional, Michael is uniquely qualified to work with you and get the job done.
Behind A Common Goal.
Your next step is a simple, call to Michael. Interview him. You’ll be glad you did.